
(With credit and a strong thank you to Robert Wood Johnson and the Johnson & Johnson Credo for the inspiration.)

Our Customers:

We believe that our first responsibility is to those using our products and services. Our customers deserve the best from us, and we must do our best to provide them with products and services that exceed their expectations.

Our Employees:

Our second responsibility is to our employees and those who work with us. We must do our best to provide a fair and equitable work environment where each employee and contractor feels valued and respected. Each person working with us must have a position where they earn a living wage with good benefits and more importantly can feel they are providing value to society. 

Our employees must be able to take part in management decisions and feel safe to share their opinions, both positive and negative. They should be able to benefit from the successes of the company, but should be protected from the failures of management. Employees should be led by managers that are not only highly capable and ethical, but are also willing to listen and talk to them. At any time, any employee should be able to make an appointment with someone in upper management to hear their concerns.

Our Community:

Our third responsibility is to the community where we live and work, this includes the world community as well. We must do our best when and where we can to support those around us, taking an active and supportive role in our local communities. We must be good corporate citizens, doing our part to support good works, good charities, better physical and mental health, and education. We must pay our fair share of taxes, and not become overly political except where those politics negatively impact the health and wellness of the people in our communities. We must also do our best to ensure that our own business practices are fair to other people and businesses in the community and that we do our best to protect the environment.

Our Shareholders:

Our final responsibility is to our shareholders. While the focus of businesses is to make a profit, we believe that if all the other responsibilities are met this will happen. 

But this does not mean that our responsibility ends there. We must explore new ideas, design and create new products, and continue to improve existing products. There are always areas that can be improved, and investments in the future of the company can not be neglected. When necessary we must look for new opportunities for growth whether this means new employees, new equipment, or new facilities.

We believe that if we follow these principles, if customers, employees, and the community are happy, and if our products and services are of the best possible quality, that the business will profit.